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Book List

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books written about the Vietnam War. They range from memoirs to academic studies to government accounts. Find what you're looking for here.

National Archives photo no. 5891333

The books below will be sorted by nonfiction and fiction. Within those categories, books will be further sorted by topic, where applicable.

Inclusion on this list does not equal an endorsement.



Arbuckle, Les
Boyd, Robert B., Jr.
Boyle, Jerome
Brennan, Matthew
Caputo, Philip
Clark, Johnnie M.
Collier, Bill
Collier, Bill
Cornett, Alan
Davis, Tom
Dinh, Nguyen Thi
Donovan, David
Downs, Frederick
Elkins, Frank
Ellsberg, Dan
Estep, James
Fair, Joe
Flanagan, John F.
Garcia, Manny
Halliday, John T.
Harrison, John
Heard, Barry
Hemphill, Robert
Johnson, Tom
Jones, Bill
Jorgenson, Kregg P.J.
Kautz, Barbara
Kerrey, Bob
Ketwig, John
Klutz, Diane
Kotcher, Joann Puffer
Kovic, Ron
Krizan, Jerry and Robert Dumont
Lanning, Michael Lee
Lanning, Michael Lee
Laurence, John
Lazzarini, Tony
Lennox, Bob
Leppelman, John
Linderer, Gary
Marlantes, Karl
Marvicsin, Dennis J. & Jerold A. Greenfield
Mason, Robert
McGowan, David
McNamara, Francis Terry
McPartlin, Greg
Mills, Hugh L. Jr.
Ogden, Richard
O’Brien, Tim
Page, Tim
Rasimus, Ed
Reilly, Thomas L.
Ronnau, Christopher
Sever, Al
Sevier, Elisabeth
Smith, Winnie
Spencer, Ernest
Tang, Troung Nhu
Teglia, Kenneth F.
Thi, Lam Quang
Tolle, Michael E.
Tonsetic, Robert
Tram, Dang Thuy
Van Devanter, Lynda
Van Zanten, William
Ward, Joseph T.
Ware, Ezell and Joel Engel
Winter, Ronald E.
Young, Paul

Oral History and Letters

General History

Appy, Christian G.
Appy, Christian G.
Asselin, Pierre
Asselin, Pierre
Asselin, Pierre
Blang, Eugenie M.
Bosiljevac, T.L.
Bowden, Mark
Bradley, Doug and Craig Werner
Braestrup, Peter
Braestrup, Peter
Broughton, Jack
Broughton, Jack
Butler, David
Catton, Philip E.
Chapman, Jessica M.
Daddis, Gregory A.
Daddis, Gregory A.
Daddis, Gregory A.
Demery, Monique Brinson
Drury, Bob and Tom Clavin
Duiker, William J.
Dunstan, Simon and Michael Sharpe
Emerson, Gloria
Fall, Bernard
Fall, Bernard
FitzGerald, Frances
Freedman, Dan and Jacqueline Rhoads
Freeman, Gregory A.
Greiner, Bernd
Gruhzit-Hoyt, Olga
Hackworth, David H.
Halberstam, David
Halberstam, David
Hamilton-Merritt, Jane
Herring, George C.
Hirsch, James S.
Jacobs, Seth
Jacobs, Seth
Jorgenson, Kregg P.J.
Jorgenson, Kregg P.J.
Jorgenson, Kregg P.J.
Jorgenson, Kregg P.J.
Karnow, Stanley
Kendrick, Alexander
Krohn, Charles A.
Kurlantzick, Joshua
Langguth, A.J.
Lanning, Michael Lee
Lanning, Michael Lee
Lanning, Michael Lee and Dan Cragg
Lanning, Michael Lee and Ray W. Stubbe
Lawrence, Mark Atwood
Lawrence, Mark Atwood
Lawrence, Mark Atwood and Fredrik Logevall
Lee, Alex
Lembcke, Jerry
Lemcke, Jerry
Levinson, Jeffrey L.
Logevall, Fredrik
Logevall, Fredrik
MacLear, Michael
MacPherson, Myra
Mangold, Tom and John Penycate
McKenna, Thomas P.
McMaster, H.R.
Michel, Marshall L.
Michel, Marshall L.
Miller, Edward
Moore, Harold G. and Joseph L. Galloway
Moore, Harold G. and Joseph L. Galloway
Murphy, Edward
Newman, Rick and Don Shepperd
Nguyen, Lien-Hang T.
Nichols, John B. and Barrett Tillman
Nicosia, Gerald
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Nolan, Keith William
Norman, Elizabeth
Oberdorfer, Don
Palmer, Dave R.
Plaster, John L.
Robbins, Christopher
Robbins, Christopher
Sallah, Michael and Mitch Weiss
Scruggs, Jan C.
Shaw, Geoffrey
Shay, Jonathan
Sheehan, Neil
Shultz, Richard H., Jr.
Smith, George W.
Stanton, Doug
Stanton, Shelby L.
Stanton, Shelby L.
Stewart, Geoffrey C.
Stur, Heather Marie
Summers, Harry G.
Thi, Lam Quang
Turse, Nick
Valentine, Douglas
Veith, George J.
Wells, Robert
Westheider, James E.
Westheider, James E.
Wiest, Andrew
Wiest, Andrew
Wiest, Andrew
Wilcox, Fred A.
Wilcox, Robert K.
Willbanks, James H.
Willbanks, James H.
Willbanks, James H.
Willbanks, James H.
Woodruff, Mark
Zaffiri, Samuel
Zhai, Qiang

Photography and Art

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