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Written February 2015



21 Apr 1967 - 17 May 1967

Area of Operation:

Quế Sơn Valley of Quảng Nam and Quảng Tín Provinces, I Corps

Allied Units:

USMC 1st Division, 1st Battalion and 2d Battalions 1st Marines, 1st and 3d Battalions 5th Marines; 1st ARVN Ranger Group

Allied Casualties:

110 KIA, 473 WIA, 2 MIA

Enemy Units:

3d PAVN Regiment

Enemy Casualties:

865 KIA


Search and destroy communist strongholds in Quế Sơn Valley; Gain control of Quế Sơn Valley


A major battle of the operation was fought at Hill 110. Operation Union II followed a couple of weeks after the conclusion of Union. The US 5th Marines received the Presidential Unit Citation for their actions during Operation Union.


Vietnam War Almanac by James H. Willbanks

The Vietnam Center And Archive (at Texas Tech University)

Further Reading:

Photo Gallery

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